The CIS Business Center for Economic Development was established based upon the approval of the Council of the СIS Heads of States (Decision dated June 21, 2001) aimed at expanding the open market within the Commonwealth and using global communications systems in commercial activities.
The Business Center is a structure that enables the fastest and risk-free bargaining between the CIS economic subjects; it elaborates and implements various investment projects, which harmonize the interests of consumers and product suppliers.
The activities of the Business Center focus on:
— integrated information support to the facilities,
— provision of consultancy pertaining to issues of trade and economic potential, investment climate, taxation and customs legislation, financial markets, instruments for protection of private and foreign property in the Commonwealth member states,
— legal aid while drawing up and supporting the mutually beneficial deals for economic subjects,
— assisting in the establishment of contacts with governmental bodies of officials of the CIS in order to strengthen economic ties between economic subjects of the CIS as well as with foreign companies and facilities.
The Business Center of the CIS is a initiator and organizer of the annual World Economic Forum of the states — participants of the CIS (Business Leaders Forum of the CIS Countries) (, involved in the preparation of the international conference of the states — participants of the CIS, launched the award The CIS Business Leader, which is given annually to companies, organizations of the states — participants of the CIS and individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of integration processes on the Commonwealth space.
The information provided about the company is relevant at the time of the exhibition