T CLUB is a network of specialized tobacco stores of various formats located in the cities across Russia: Moscow (4 stores), Tver, Kaluga, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Lipetsk, Lyubertsy. Our network expands every month with new locations opening all over Russia. T CLUB today is: — DEVELOPMENT. We are constantly updating ourselves, honing our principles of building a successful business model to perfection. We always look for new suppliers and partners; we organize interactions with European and Asian manufacturers of tobacco goods and accessories. — PEOPLE. A powerful team of managers with a wealth of practical experience in launching businesses tailored to customers' needs: from the director of the territorial group to CFO. Each member of our team is experienced in mentorship and business coaching. — SUPPLIED DIRECTLY BY MANUFACTURERS. We work without middle men to eliminate the surcharges for different regions. — DEVELOPED COMMUNICATION NETWORK. A reliable base of suppliers and contractors, local administrative support, legal support, a corporate website, specialized social media groups as a marketing support tool, a system of consultations and support. T CLUB specialized network of tobacco stores is a new format of the FRANCHISE which has managed to establish itself as a high-margin project where everyone chooses a convenient business option: — an island store in a mall — 6 to 12 square meters location — A dedicated store in the mall — Location in the mall with a dedicated entrance, 10–20 square meters — A dedicated store at the locations with the most concentrated traffic. — 15–25 square meter store with a separate dedicated entrance and an expanded assortment line that includes related products. NEW format Buy domestic! Buy Authentic transport stop pavilions. Constructions: shops with an area of 25–30 square meters with an expanded assortment line (juices, water, coffee, fruit, essential goods). *Priority in the formation of the assortment matrix is given to local producers of food and non-food products.