VCM Group Private Company Limited by Shares has been established in 2009 and specializes in Research and Development (R&D). Integrated approach of the scientific and commercial activity is aimed at the creation and implementation of new technologies, devices, and equipment. The development, commercial exploitation and market promotion is being conducted by the team of VCM Group Private Company Limited by Shares and Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Penza State University. VCM Group Private Company Limited by Shares is a resident of the Innovation Center Skolkovo since April 2012. At present time, the company VCM Group Private Company Limited by Shares conducts R&D Development of technology and production organization of tracheobronchial nebulizer with respiratory tube and children mask.
The information provided about the company is relevant at the time of the exhibition
Layout of the pavilion in the territory of the Expocentre Fairgrounds