All-Russian Society of inventors and rationalizers is a public association based on membership established on the initiative of citizens of the Russian Federation who have united on the ground of solidarity in interests in order to pursue the goals stipulated by the Statute of the Society. The Society was established in March of 1991 and operates to achieve the following main objectives: — unity of individuals, i. e. inventors, rationalizers, amateur authors, patent holders and others contributing to development of technical creativity as well as legal entities such as public associations for the purpose of common handling of tasks as to protection of individuals’ rights, legitimate interests as well as satisfaction of their needs in the abovementioned sector; — setting-up of organizations, economic, social and legal conditions for demonstration and implementation of creative abilities of the Society members as well as strengthening of their social safety; — protection of rights and legitimate interests of the Society members with regard to intellectual property in cases in due order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In order to handle the abovementioned tasks there was a structure established which includes republican, regional and provincial branches of the Society. The structure is also composed of local and primary VOIR organizations and numerous consulting offices
The information provided about the company is relevant at the time of the exhibition
Layout of the pavilion in the territory of the Expocentre Fairgrounds