The priority direction of SSC RF — IPPE activity is studies in the area of development of fast neutron reactors and closed fuel cycle technologies. Safety systems of NPP with fast reactors, as well as VVER type light water reactors are designed. Job-order production:
— leak detection and hydrogen safety systems for VVER reactors,
— filters (including iodine-based absorbers) for removal of toxic and radio-active aerosols from the air,
— radioisotopes for medical and technical purposes, including radiopharmaceuticals and radiation sources.
Areas of development:
— water nano-technology of manufacturing of high thermal conductivity modified oxide materials,
— liquid metal technology of synthesis of nano-structured materials, in particular, aluminium hydrate ALOOH,
— technology of plasma-chemical synthesis of filtering membranes with organic and inorganic porous substrates. Preparation for production of filtering elements to purify water and other liquids is making.
The information provided about the company is relevant at the time of the exhibition