Participants list 119

Company Country Pavilion Booth Categories
AFAYARussiaForumFD135Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
AGSCARB-ISKRARussiaForumFF179Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
AIRCRAFT PAINT TECHNOLOGIESRussiaForumFA100Materials for surface treatmentOther kinds of paints and coatings
AkrilanRussiaForumFC060Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
ALLNEXRussiaForumFF100New technologies and R&DRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
ANSERRussiaForumFB130Purifying and waste-processing equipmentEngineering, automation and plant designSurface Treatment
ANTI-CORROSION PROTECTIVE COATINGS SPB LLCRussiaForumFE080Anti-corrosion and protective coatingsIndustrial paints and coatings
AQUALIT TM-SYNTHESIS LLC (Russia)RussiaForumFE080Industrial paints and coatingsBuilding paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)
ASSOCIATION CENTRLACKRussiaForumFF065Licensing, certificationRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
ATTIKARussiaForumFE080Adhesives and sealantsSurface TreatmentSpecial CoatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAntirust Protection
AZELISRussiaForumFD105Adhesives raw materialsSurface TreatmentSpecial CoatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAntirust Protection
BALTIC ENTERPRISE LTDRussiaForumFF185Surface TreatmentSpecial CoatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
BANG & BONSOMERRussiaForumFF120Materials for surface treatmentRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
BATOLITRussiaForumFA060Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
Bel Peka PaintRepublic of BelarusForumFC105Powder coatingsSpecial Coatings
BELNEFTEKHIM-ROS LTDRussiaForumFD075Anti-corrosion and protective coatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
BPC BOYASAN POWDER COATINGTurkeyForumFF060Powder coatingsIndustrial paints and coatings
BRENNTAG LLCRussiaForumFC140Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSpecial Coatings
BSK TechnologyRussiaForumFG095Conveying systemsFeeding equipment
BYK-CHEMIE GMBHGermanyForumFE070Testing equipmentSpecial CoatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
C.H. ERBSLOEH RUSSIARussiaForumFC090Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsAntirust Protection
CAMELOT CHEMIERussiaForumFE010Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
CAMELOT PUBLISHING LLCRussiaForumFG112Information supportE-commerce
CHEM-COURIERRussiaForumFC045Education, consultingInformation support
CHEMETALLRussiaForumFE140Materials for surface treatmentAnti-corrosion and protective coatingsSurface Treatment
CHEMPARTNERSRussiaForumFD080Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
COLOR SYNTHESISRussiaForumFE022Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionWood-protecting paints and coatingsSpecial Coatings
COMPANY No. 1 LTDRepublic of BelarusForumFC010Shredders and mixersDissolving equipment
COMPANY “NOVEMBER”RussiaForumFD085Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
CONSTANTARussiaForumFG080Testing equipmentLaboratory equipmentAntirust Protection
CONSTANTARussiaForumFE100Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionIndustrial paints and coatings
CWETRussiaForumFC065Equipment for paints and coatings production
DINALAK LLCRussiaForumFD008Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionIndustrial paints and coatingsSpecial Coatings
DME Aerosol LLCRussiaForumFE001Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionNew technologies and R&D
ECKART GMBHGermanyForumFE070Other kinds of paints and coatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAntirust Protection
Eigenmann & Veronelli RussoRussiaForumFE150Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
ERKUR MAKINE CONVEYORTurkeyForumFF150Conveying systemsEngineering, automation and plant designAntirust Protection
EURO COLOURRussiaForumFG070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
EUROHIM-1 FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS JSCRussiaForumFE070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSpecial Coatings
GEMATECHRussiaForumFE005Equipment for paints and coatings productionConveying systemsSurface Treatment
GLASS SYSTEM LLCRussiaForumFE080Anti-corrosion and protective coatingsIndustrial paints and coatingsSpecial Coatings
HOLLIDAY PIGMENTSRussiaForumFG070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAntirust Protection
HOMARussiaForumFF062Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
IBA KIMYA SANAYI VE TICARET A.STurkeyForumFC085Powder coatings
ICHEMAD-PROFARB (PROFLINE)PolandForumFE030Equipment for paints and coatings productionEngineering, automation and plant design
IMCD RUSRussiaForumFE155Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSpecial CoatingsAntirust Protection
INDUSTRIAL COATINGS JOURNALRussiaForumFF185Special-purpose paints and coatingsIndustrial paints and coatingsInformation supportSpecial Coatings
INNOVATIVE CANMAKERS EUROPE (ICE)RussiaForumFF105Packaging and pre-packaging
INSSTAL PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIAL COMPANY LLCRussiaForumFB030Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAnti-corrosion and protective coatingsSpecial CoatingsAntirust Protection
INTERDISP JSCRussiaForumFF085Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
IRKOM-EKTUkraineForumFF012Feeding equipmentPackaging and pre-packaging
K-ENGINEERINGRussiaForumFG110Feeding equipmentLabelling machines
KOELGAMRAMORRussiaForumFA040Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
KONICA MINOLTA SENSING EUROPE B. V.JapanForumFG107Testing equipmentLaboratory equipmentSurface Treatment
KVILTISRussiaForumFE080Special-purpose paints and coatingsIndustrial paints and coatingsSpecial Coatings
LAKOVARRussiaForumFE080Equipment, machinery and appliancesSurface TreatmentSpecial CoatingsRaw and auxiliary materialsAntirust Protection
Lamberti RusRussiaForumFD010Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionMaterials for surface treatment
LARCHFIELD LSNRussiaForumFD100Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsAntirust Protection
LECHLERRussiaForumFC101Industrial paints and coatingsWood-protecting paints and coatingsSpecial CoatingsAntirust Protection
LESOHIMIK JSCRepublic of BelarusForumFD015Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionPaints and coatings for road surfaces, bridges and tunnelsSpecial Coatings
LITEKSRussiaForumFB140Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
LYTE LTDRussiaForumFD001Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
METAPOLIMERRussiaForumFB070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSpecial Coatings
Moldow A/SDenmarkForumFC075Surface treatment equipmentDriersSurface TreatmentSpecial Coatings
MVS Mechatronics LLCRussiaForumFE004Feeding equipmentPackaging and pre-packaging
NEO CHEMICALRussiaForumFC040Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
NETZSCHRussiaForumFD130Shredders and mixersDissolving equipment
NORTEXRussiaForumFF030Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
NOVAROLLRussiaForumFD009Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
NOVIY DOMRussiaForumFB050Industrial paints and coatingsBuilding paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)
NPK GROUPRussiaForumFC050Surface treatment equipmentApplication equipment for painting and coating
OLINRussiaForumFC040Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsAntirust Protection
OMYA ALGOL RUSRussiaForumFF070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
ORGCHIMPROM LTDRussiaForumFD070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSurface TreatmentSpecial CoatingsAntirust Protection
PC AQUILON LLCRussiaForumFB082Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
PIGMENT JSCRussiaForumFC125Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionIndustrial paints and coatingsAntirust Protection
POLYCHIMCOMPLECT-M LLCRussiaForumFF020Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSpecial Coatings
PRIMATEKRussiaForumFE080Anti-corrosion and protective coatingsIndustrial paints and coatingsAntirust Protection
PROCHEMRussiaForumFF145Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionDispersing equipmentSpecial Coatings
PROMCOATRussiaForumFF050Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
QUALITY CONTROL JSCRussiaForumFG070Tinting equipmentTesting equipment
R-GARNETRussiaForumFB032Materials for surface treatmentAnti-corrosion and protective coatingsSpecial Coatings
R2RRussiaForumFB080Cleaning equipmentPurifying and waste-processing equipment
RAV ChemicalsRussiaForumFA090Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
RAVAGO CHEMICALS RUSRussiaForumFC120Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionBuilding paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)
REAKSIYON KIMYATurkeyForumFF001Adhesives raw materialsSurface TreatmentRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
RIF-MICROMRAMOR LLCRussiaForumFF140Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
ROBOTINTRussiaForumFB135Building paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)E-commerceSurface Treatment
ROMAN SAMARA REGION INDUSTRIAL COMPANY JSCRussiaForumFB145New technologies and R&DPackaging and pre-packaging
RoskhimpromRussiaForumFG140Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
RUSALRussiaForumFE012Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAnti-corrosion and protective coatingsAntirust Protection
RusChemicals Group LLCRussiaForumFE040Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSpecial CoatingsAntirust Protection
RUSSIAN COATINGS JOURNALRussiaForumFG075Information support
SIBUR Holding PJSCRussiaForumFE025Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
SiLi CISRussiaForumFD132Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionMaterials for surface treatmentSurface Treatment
SLANTSY-HIM TKRussiaForumFE020Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsMaterials for surface treatmentBuilding paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)Paints and coatings for road surfaces, bridges and tunnelsSpecial CoatingsAntirust Protection
SPEC-TRADEJordanForumFD102Materials for surface treatmentRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAntirust Protection
SPECIAL GOODS RURussiaForumFD010Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
SPEKTR NPP LLCRussiaForumFG020Special-purpose paints and coatingsAnti-corrosion and protective coatingsSpecial Coatings
TECHINTESTRussiaForumFC070Testing equipmentPowder coatings
TECSA KHIMMASH NPO ОООRussiaForumFD060Equipment for paints and coatings productionDissolving equipment
TECSA ОООRussiaForumFD060Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionEquipment for paints and coatings production
TELKO LLCRussiaForumFG105Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
THERMAL-SPRAY-TECRussiaForumFF067Materials for surface treatmentSurface treatment equipmentSurface Treatment
ULTRA NDTRussiaForumFE006Testing equipmentAuxiliary equipment and appliances
UNIVAR SOLUTIONSRussiaForumFF010Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSurface TreatmentSpecial Coatings
UPPRussiaForumFF005Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
UTS GroupRussiaForumFE060Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
UVMILK LTDRussiaForumFD072Equipment for paints and coatings productionAuxiliary equipment and appliances
VITAHIM LLCRussiaForumFB122Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSpecial Coatings
WACKER CHEMIE RUSRussiaForumFE070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsSpecial Coatings
WEISSKERRussiaForumFD165Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionMaterials for surface treatmentSpecial Coatings
YARSINTEZRussiaForumFB075Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives and sealantsSpecial Coatings