Participants list 82

Company Country Pavilion Booth Categories
ABC FARBENRussiaForumFC115Anti-corrosion and protective coatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
AFAYA JSCRussiaForumFF145Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
AFORUM PRORussiaForumFE160Information support
AIRCRAFT PAINT TECHNOLOGIESRussiaForumFA030Materials for surface treatmentOther kinds of paints and coatings
ALLNEX BELGOROD LLCRussiaForumFE080New technologies and R&DRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
ALTERCHEM LLCRussiaForumFA070Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
ANTI-CORROSION PROTECTIVE COATINGS SPB LLCRussiaForumFE070Anti-corrosion and protective coatingsPaints and coatings for road surfaces, bridges and tunnels
ARKEMA FRANCEFranceForumFC117Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
ASSOCIATION CENTRLACKRussiaForumFE140Licensing, certificationRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
ATTIKARussiaForumFE070Adhesives and sealantsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
AZELISRussiaForumFF010Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
BELNEFTEKHIM-ROS LTDRussiaForumFD075Anti-corrosion and protective coatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
BRAITON PAINTRussiaForumFE142Building paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)Wood-protecting paints and coatings
BRILLIANT LINE JSCRussiaForumFC080Surface treatment equipmentApplication equipment for painting and coating
C.H.ERBSLOEH RUSSIARussiaForumFC075Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
CAMELOT CHEMIERussiaForumFF020Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
CAMELOT PUBLISHINGRussiaForumFD010Information support
CHEM-COURIERRussiaForumFE025Education, consultingInformation support
COLOR SYNTHESISRussiaForumFE152Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionWood-protecting paints and coatings
CONSTANTARussiaForumFD107Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
CONSTANTARussiaForumFF137Testing equipmentLaboratory equipment
DME AEROSOL LLCRussiaForumFD008Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
EURO COLOUR LTDRussiaForumFF110Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
EuropumpsRussiaForumFG070Conveying systemsFeeding equipment
FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS TRADING HOUSERussiaForumFE070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionNew technologies and R&D
GRAN CHEMICAL COMPANYRussiaForumFD020Equipment for paints and coatings productionRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
HANGZHOU JLS FLAME RETARDANTS CHEMICAL CO., LTDChinaForumFA015Industrial paints and coatingsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
HIMPOSTAVSCHIKRussiaForumFF138Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionPaints and coatings for road surfaces, bridges and tunnels
HOLLIDAY PIGMENTSRussiaForumFF100Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
HOMARussiaForumFF040Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
IBA KIMYA SANAYI VE TICARET ASTurkeyForumFC085Powder coatings
ICONIC (TILAN)RussiaForumFD140Powder coatingsBuilding paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)
INDUSTRIAL COATING JOURNALRussiaForumFF150Information support
INSSTAL PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIAL COMPANY LLCRussiaForumFC072Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAnti-corrosion and protective coatings
INTERDISPRussiaForumFF085Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
IRKOM-EKTUkraineForumFD070Feeding equipmentPackaging and pre-packaging
KAZAN NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITYRussiaForumFF005New technologies and R&DEducation, consulting
KOELGAMRAMORRussiaForumFC050Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
KRATARussiaForumFD105Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionIndustrial paints and coatings
LAKOKRASKA JSC (LIDA)Republic of BelarusForumFD075Industrial paints and coatingsBuilding paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)
LARCHFIELD LSNRussiaForumFC117Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
LESOHIMIK OJSCRepublic of BelarusForumFE022Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionPaints and coatings for road surfaces, bridges and tunnels
LITEKSRussiaForumFD072Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
N. M. EMANUEL INSTITUTE OF BIOCHEMICAL PHYSICS, RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCESRussiaForumFD152Wood-protecting paints and coatingsNew technologies and R&D
NETZSCHRussiaForumFD130Shredders and mixersDissolving equipment
Novaroll — production of pure acrylic and styrene acrylic waterbased dispersionsRussiaForumFD014Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
NPK PK LTDRussiaForumFE033Surface treatment equipmentApplication equipment for painting and coating
OKACHIMRussiaForumFE150Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
OMYA ALGOL RUSRussiaForumFF070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
PAINTS & COATINGS MAGAZINERussiaForumFB078Anti-corrosion and protective coatingsInformation support
PIGMENT HOLDING COMPANYRussiaForumFE070Powder coatingsAnti-corrosion and protective coatings
POLYMER MATERIALS MAGAZINERussiaForumFF150Information support
PRIMATEKRussiaForumFE070Powder coatingsAnti-corrosion and protective coatings
ProChemRussiaForumFC087Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionDispersing equipment
PROFLINE (ICHEMAD-PROFARB)RussiaForumFE032Equipment for paints and coatings productionEngineering, automation and plant design
PROMCOATRussiaForumFF050Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
R-GARNET JSCRussiaForumFD142Materials for surface treatmentAnti-corrosion and protective coatings
R2RRussiaForumFB010Cleaning equipmentPurifying and waste-processing equipment
RAV ChemicalsRussiaForumFG072Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
RAVAGO CHEMICALS RUSRussiaForumFC120Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionBuilding paints and coatings (indoor and outdoor)
ROSHAL PLASTICIZERS PLANTRussiaForumFF139Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
RUSSIAN COATINGS JOURNALRussiaForumFE030Information support
SIBUR HOLDING PJSCRussiaForumFE021Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
SLANTSY-HIMRussiaForumFE020Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materialsAnti-corrosion and protective coatingsPaints and coatings for road surfaces, bridges and tunnels
SNHK LLCRussiaForumFD065Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionIndustrial paints and coatings
TAR-METALLRussiaForumFA041Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionPackaging and pre-packaging
TARA.RURussiaForumFA080Auxiliary equipment and appliancesPackaging and pre-packaging
TECSA LTDRussiaForumFD060Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionEquipment for paints and coatings production
THERMAL-SPRAY-TECRussiaForumFF025Materials for surface treatmentSurface treatment equipment
TITANIUM TRADING COMPANYRussiaForumFC170Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
TRANSLACKRussiaForumFD100Materials for surface treatmentSurface treatment equipmentApplication equipment for painting and coatingDriersAnti-corrosion and protective coatingsIndustrial paints and coatingsCar paints and coatingsEngineering, automation and plant designAssembling, operation and maintenance servicesEducation, consulting
TRUSTIN RUS LTDChinaForumFC070Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
TSENTR PODBORA PERSONALARussiaForumFC130Job and career opportunities
TSVET JSCRussiaForumFC035Shredders and mixersDissolving equipment
ULTRA NDT LIMITEDRussiaForumFE004Testing equipmentAuxiliary equipment and appliances
UTS GroupRussiaForumFE060Raw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings productionAdhesives raw materials
VITAHIM LLCRussiaForumFB050Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
VladAkrilRussiaForumFC036Adhesives raw materialsRaw and auxiliary materials for paints and coatings production
VOZDUKHOOCHISTKARussiaForumFB060Purifying and waste-processing equipmentEnvironmental protection and work safety